2020 National Winners: Mark of Excellence/National Choral Honors
Group Name High School Mixed Choir & Open Class; Middle School Treble Choir & Open Class
Event 2020 Mark of Excellence
Album ID - 56096-MCD

$15.00 Mp3 download available full album only

High School Mixed Choir
Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy Chamber Choir
Joel Duarte & Candice Maughan
1. Three Kalinga Chants
2. Ritmo
3. Kasar Mie La Gaji

Round Rock Dragon Chorale
Jamieson McCaffity
4. O Sing Joyfully
5. My Flight for Heaven
6. Fusion

High School Open Class
Aledo HS Treble Choir
Karen Paul
7. Prayer of the Children
8. Ave Maria
9. I am

Permian HS Cantus
Kenneth Sieloff
10. Praise Him
11. Nachtgesang im Walde
12. Fionnghuala

Middle School Treble Choir
Pearland JH West Varsity Treble Choir
Virginia Blasczyk
13. Make a Joyful Noise
14. In monti Oliveti
15. Prepare Thyself Zion

Rice MS Acapella Treble Choir
Chelsea Farmer
16. Je le vous dirai
17. The Poet Sings
18. Shady Grove (with The Cuckoo)

Middle School Open Class
Rice MS Tenor Bass Choir
Chelsea Farmer
20. Viva
21. We Shall Not Sleep
22. Didnt My Lord Deliver Daniel

Trinity Springs MS Varsity Tenor-Bass Choir
Clinton Hardy
23. Colorado Trail
24. O Magnum Mysterium
25. Laudate Dominum