The Best of the Clarence H.S. Wind Ens. "Tradition" 1976-1996 |
Group Name |
Album ID - 2167-MCD |
(2 Disc Set)
RONALD A. SUTHERLAND, CONDUCTOR, Disc One: Olympic Fanfare and March/J. Williams
- Symphony #2 Nordic (Mvt. II)/Hanson/Maddy - Rocky Point Holiday/R. Nelson - Polka and
Fugue from Schwanda The Bagpiper/Weinberger/Bainum - Liturgical Dances/D. Holsinger -
Highlights from The Sound of Music/Rodgers/Buckley - Fantasia/V. Nelhybel - Incantation and
Dance/J.B. Chance - Symphony for Band (Mvt. IV)/V. Persichetti - Pictures At An
Exhibition/Mussorgsky/Leidzen - Irish Tune from County Derry/P. Grainger - Finale to Marche
Disc Two: Pas Redouble/Saint Saens/Frankenpohl - Fugue in G Minor/Bach/Moehlmann - Symphonic Movement/V. Nelhybel - Overture to Candide/Bernstein/Beeler - The Liebestod from Tristan and Isolde/Wagner/Bainum - Sagamore
Hill March/D. Luckenbill - Music for Prague 1968 (Mvt. IV)/K. Husa - Lincolnshire Posy/P. Grainger - Italian in Algiers/Rossini/Cailliet - The Blue and the Grey/C. Grundman - Barnum and Bailey’s Favorite/C. King - Malagueña/Holman - America The Beautiful/Ward/Dragon - Finale to the 1812