Pathways - New Music for Trombone |
Group Name |
Andrew Glendening, Trombone |
Album ID - 2645-MCD |
This is the follow up CD from Dr. Andrew Glendening, professor of Trombone at Morehead State University, Kentucky to his successful "Music for Trombone, Horn, Trumpet and Piano" also on the Mark Records label. This CD is a collection of contemporary works for solo trombone (mostly). It is the culmination of a decade long effort to explore different paths and possibilities for Trombone performance...
Works by Angell, Cook, Hamilton, Klein, Kleinsasser, and Phillips
Pathways - Opposing Forces Mvts I-III/J. Klein - with NOVA, the new music ensemble of the University of North Texas-J. Klein, director - Wintermute for trombone and tape/B. Hamilton - Clowns (for solo trombone) /C. Cook - Projected Resonance/W. Kleinsasser - Quick �n Delicious/M. Angell - T. Rex/M. Phillips |