2001 Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Univ. of Texas Symphony Orchestra |
Group Name |
Album ID - 3697-MCD |
Symphonic Dances from West Side Story (Prologue, Somewhere, Scherzo-Mambo, Cha-cha, Meeting
Scene, Cool Fugue, Rumble, Finale)/L. Bernstein - The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du Printemps)/I. Stravinsky - First Part: The Adoration of the Earth (L�Adoration de la Terre)-Introduction - The Augurs of Spring: Dance of the Young Girls (Les Augures Printaniers: Danses des Adolescentes) - Ritual of Abduction (Jeu du Rapt)
- Spring Rounds (Rondes PrintanieÌ€res) - Ritual of Rival Tribes (Jeux des CiteÌs Rivales) - Procession of the Sage (CorteÌ€ge du Sage) - The Sage (Le Sage) - Dance of the Earth (Danse de la Terre ) - Second Part: The Sacrifice (Le Sacrifice) - Introduction - Mystic Circles of the Young Girls (Cercles MysteÌrieux des
Adolescentes) - Glorification of the Chosen One (Glorification de L�Elue) - Evocation of the Ancestors (Evocation des Ancêtres) - Sacrificial Dance: The Chosen One (Danse Sacrale: L�Elue)