Christmas Steel Pan: A Merry Mansfield Christmas!
Group Name Mansfield University Pansfieldians Steel Band; Mansfield University Percussion Studio
Conductor Adam F. Brennan
Album ID - 52988-MCD

$15.00 Mp3 download available full album only
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1. Jingle Pans the Island Way
2. Jolly Old St. Nicholas Goes Reggae
3. A Trip to da Beach (Children, Go Where I Send Thee!)
4. We Be Cultivating da Seeds, Mahn! (Lo, How a Rose Err Blooming)
5. A Mansfield Christmas
6. Rise Up Shepherd, and Follow Me to da Island, Mahn!
7. Bring Me a Drink, Mahn! (Here We Come a Wassailing!)
8. Silent Night on da Island
9. God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen
10. Were is Your Momma? (What Child is This?)
11. Hark the Herald Angels Sing!
12. Get Down from Me Roof! (Up on the House Top)