Symphony No. 5, Return to Middle Earth
Group Name Buffalo Niagara Concert Band; Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus
Conductor Amy Steiner
Guest Artists Johan De Meij, guest conductor
Album ID - 56338-MCD

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1. Red Rock Mountain

2. Arabesque

3. Hymn to the Fallen

Return to Middle Earth
(de Meij)
4. Mvt I. Miri na Feanor
(Feanors Jewels)
5. Mvt II. Tinuviel
6. Mvt III. Ancalagon i-mor
(Ancalagon, The Black)
7. Mvt IV. Arwen Undomiel
8. Mvt V. Dagor Delothrin
(The War of Wrath)
9. Mvt VI. Thuringwethil
(Woman of Secret Shadow)