Tradition: Legacy of the March Composer Series (Karl L. King) |
Group Name |
Texas A&M University Bands |
Conductor |
Timothy Rhea |
Event |
Composer Series |
Album ID - 7267-MCD |
1. Barnum & Bailey's Favorite
2. Ponderoso
3. Iowa Band Law
4. Samson
5. Trombone King
6. New Corn Palace
7. Attorney General
8. Woody Vans
9. Robinson's Grand Entree
10. Columbian
11. Sons of Veterans
12. United Nations
13. Carrollton
14. Bolivar
15. The Lieutenant Commander
16. The Purple Pagaent
17. Garland Entree
18. Emblem of Freedom
19. Viking
20. Mystic Call
21. Neddermeyer Triumphal |